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Bible Study

Bible Study currently being held via Zoom

We all have good intentions to stick with Bible study plans at home, yet distractions provide one reason after another to postpone. Participating in a Bible study within a small group has a dynamic you cannot reproduce on your own. As you participate in discussion and share ideas, you take advantage of interaction. 

Catholic Bible studies are an important way of understanding the Catholic faith. The more we can understand the inspired writings in the books of the Bible, the more we understand the beliefs, celebrations and rituals of our faith. 



On-Line Daytime Bible Study Group


Please join us for our newest Bible Study:

Join us starting at noon on Tuesday,  January  10th  for  Dr. Pitre’s, "The Case for Jesus”, on the platform FORMED.  

It is 9 lessons: 4 on the evidence for the reliability of Gospels and 5 on the evidence for who Jesus was. 

During Advent and Easter starting April 11, for 10 lessons, we will do Dr. Pitre’s, “Eucharist”.

To subscribe to FORMED and see the videos, go to and login under Sacred Heart Ladner Parish or the postal code V4K 3N2.  Select 'Programs' at the top of the page, then 'Bible Studies' and then The Case for Jesus session 1 - Who really wrote the four Gospels?


For further information please email:

Sue Steevie at [email protected] 


Nancy Tait at [email protected].

Hands, A Book, Read, Open Book, Bible, Literature