
40 posts
Only Two Things To Teach My Kids Before They Move Out

J.M. Boyd is a husband to Abby of 25 years next year. They live in Langley with seven children, one who just left for college....

Get to know Our Lady of Guadalupe

Mary, the Mother of Jesus has many different titles, some you may be familiar with. However, one that stands out as...

Learning My Emotions & The Criticalness to Maturing in My Faith

Growing up, people walked on eggshells around me. Calling me a sensitive child would probably be an understatement. One small...

When It Feels Too Strategic to Evangelize

My wife and I first met Carlene shortly after we moved to Halifax. She was dating a friend of ours and it felt as though we hit...

Resource Adults
Understanding Your Fears & Joys Behind Money

I grew up in a third world country. The social divide between classes is discernible and normalized. My middle class family...

Book Review: The World, The Flesh and Fr. Smith

It’s rare to find a novel that captures with realism and detail the interior life of a Catholic whose heart and imagination is...

Resource Adults
The Small Group That Changed My Life

I was not planning on being friends with her. In fact, at one point when we had met years before, we later admitted to one...

Noticing Greed, Gluttony and Lust in my Life

Every time I make a resolution to pause from my social media use, parcel delivery trucks visit my home more often. It turns out...

Leading A Simple Life of Social Justice

In our Western culture, we often associate the word justice with some radical activism that includes public demonstrations and...

The Freedom Jesus Gave Me (from Porn)

After almost two years of peace, I found myself haunted once again by my phone. Or, rather, what was on my phone. I thought...

The In-Between Season

As a child, I despised the words “just wait.” Even into adulthood, I find that patience is the thing that I struggle with the...

Resource Young Adult
I've Spent My 20s One Way... I Don't Know Who I Am

I slumped back into the driver’s seat as I turned off the ignition. The hum of the engine, silent. Resting my neck on the...

Resource Parents
Building Identity in Your Kids

I’ll never forget the first time I took my daughter to the zoo. Her eyes lit up as she giggled with exuberance, watching the...

I Wanted Holiness & I Found My Brokenness

One of my favorite parties to attend is a potluck. As you might have experienced yourself, the countless dishes and variety of...

This Lent, Strive for Improvement, Not Perfection

This Lent, many of us are giving something up or establishing a new daily practice, but it’s not at all uncommon that we’ll...

'The Work of Rest': How I Find Time for Spiritual Reflection in My Busy Life

As our family prepared for vacation one year, we were consumed with checklists and activities. While helping my daughter into...

Deep Rest In the Day-to-Day

During pregnancy, I had been told many times of the tiredness that would come with being a new mother. Many well meaning women...

I Was an Unfulfilled Cradle Catholic. And Then, Everything Changed.

I am a cradle Catholic and grew up in a home where it was very important in my family. We went to Mass every Sunday and would...

Creating Rhythms in the Midst of Christmas Chaos

My five-year old is in the midst of a major crisis. This was how our car conversation went the other day: “Mommy, Micah says...

How to Find Joy

We are told in Scripture, in sermons, and in our daily meditations to be “joyful at all times” or “to let no one take away your...

How Realistic is Peace On Earth?

The official name of my undergrad degree is a Bachelor of Arts in Peace and Conflict Transformation Studies. Quite the...

Advent 2023

Welcome to Advent Maybe that is a little overwhelming, a little exciting, or perhaps a little bit of all of it? The thing about...

Learning the Practice of Staying In Love With God

Many have described the beginning of their faith journey like falling in love.  They have a beautiful encounter with Jesus as...

Fasting: A Spiritual Practice for Today

I have a deep love for food. Dining out with my wife, exploring new restaurants, and savoring different cuisines are some of...

Healing From an Eating Disorder

I was pushing my 3 month old in the stroller, enjoying a cinnamon bun and the sunshine when I was suddenly struck with how...

How I Found Vulnerability In My Male Friendships

As a kid, I had no interest in showing my cards and letting people know who I really was. I spent much of my life building...

Resource Adults Young Adult
Do I Need A Mentor?

“How old were you when you decided to shortcut the process?” The question hit me like a ton of bricks. My eyes went wide and...

Resource Adults
Fall Series: Begin Building Spiritual Rhythms

There’s something about a new season that brings on a great feeling of relief. All of a sudden, there’s space to rethink,...

Why Your Search For Comfort Is Killing Your Soul

“Hey Siri,” my son said loudly towards our HomePod in the kitchen, “What’s the weather today?” Our home has these large windows...

Losing My Body As a Mom

I’ve had a somewhat complicated relationship with my body throughout my teen and young adult years. I suffered from an eating...

Resource Married
When You Realize Your Marriage Isn’t What You Expected

“So what’s the secret sauce? 10 years in, you guys must have some insider tips!”  A friend of ours asked us for marriage tips...

Resource Married
Questions To Make Your Anniversary Meaningful

Creating intentionality in a long-term relationship takes time, effort, and sometimes, a little extra guidance.  Occasionally,...

Resource Adults
When I Feel Behind in Life

The pressure to “figure out my vocation” can be exhausting. It can be burdened by loneliness. By restlessness. By the fear...

Resource Adults
Interview: Approaching Mental Health as Catholics

In light of Mental Health Month, we talked with two counsellors about how we approach mental health both as Catholics and in...

Resource Adults
Learning How To Sabbath

“The Sabbath is a twenty-four hour time period set aside to stop, rest, delight, and worship. It is the best day of the week....

Let God Inconvenience You

How I Found Hope In A Season of Depression

I have suffered from depression probably my whole life but was first diagnosed when I was 20. In 2013 I had my worst depressive...

Six Stories That Inspired Us This Year

A little inspiration is always nice as we step into a new year, isn't it? Especially in a time like this where we’re all...

After a Year Inward, It's Time To Think Outward

Prior to lockdown, I was living at an unhealthy and unsustainable pace. A full-time honours student pursuing entrance into a...